Thank you for your reflections, Megan. So much of it resonates with me, especially one about the power of changing up routines. Funny because we are headed to Florida in a few weeks to see family and I am already grieving over leaving this beautiful season that I love so much- fall/winter/the cold... but your reflection is reminding me to keep an open heart. That, this trip will renew in me other things I also love. Thank you!

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So proud to know you and witness this transformation! Beautiful reflection...and thank you for the live oaks photo. A part of my heart lives among them ❤️

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I really connect to your feelings of being thrown into another climate while actively transitioning through fall here. We are headed south for Thanksgiving and while I am looking forward to seeing the people, being back in the heat makes me feel meh about it… but then this post! Walks, sitting with the birds, slow mornings. That is changing my feelings about it. Thank you :)

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Thank you Megan for the shout out!

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